Here we are at Saturday night's Pink Party in the Castro - this is the event that follows the Dyke March from Dolores Park every year. The event was put on by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which are actually a great group of folks who do a lot in the community, so it was nice to see that for the most part the event was peaceful and people were having a good time. Like these folks:
While the party at 18th and Castro had a few stages, I'd have to say that it was actually Club 7-1-1 outside the actual event where the real party was.
I mean, this place sold 18 packs, Slurpees, all sorts of candy, and they even had a really sweet front patio where everybody was drinking and having a blast. Hell, there were even strippers...
Being that we had already pre-partied pretty hard (we still are twenty-somethings remember?) and packed in a ton of our own beer before we hit Club 7-1-1, I was actually pretty surprised that we were able to put down another 36 beers out front and on the walk home, all before 12:30.
This of course was only just a warm-up for the actual parade that was to take place Sunday morning.
Flash forward past the epic walk home/afterparty - partly due to the activities and partly due to the fuzzy memory from the booze - and we find ourselves ready to roll out to the real deal thing over at Civic Center. If the hangover from Saturday was going to hit, it was definitely going to have to wait. Besides, the Beer-Mosas I was puttin' down were only serving to recharge my buzz from the night before and get me ready to put on my 'outfit' for the theme party.
As you can see, it actually made me quite the popular attraction. Second only to the fact that the BACKSTREET BOYS were fucking 'headlining'!!! - which actually turned out to be a lame set of two and a half 'songs'. I blame this douche:

Even though the event was free - and they belted out "I Want It That Way" with the audience participation at 100% - it still seemed like we got a little cheated by the fact that we had been waiting for about 4 hours to see these guys perform, and they couldn't even come with a little "Backstreet's Back, ALRIGHT!" Whatever. In the end, it ended up being one of the best public parties I have ever attended in SF. There were an ABUNDANCE of port-o-potties (*cough* Bay to Breakers *cough*) and an overall sense of community and caring that is rarely seen at large events in The City.
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