Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tired of Pandora?

The other day I was perusing the November catalog over at Urban Outfitters and stumbled upon their "music" page. Not only do they have some of the newest trends in fashion, furniture and random toys and books, but they actually let you download 5 new, free tracks every Monday. Not to mention UO Radio, which lets you listen to full length albums (again, for FREE). One of the awesome bands I found on the site is Blonde Redhead (yes, bands still use MySpace - even if no one else does) and their album Penny Sparkle check 'em out. Perfect music to have playing low at your desk in order to get some work done.

Similar to the music you'll hear in one of their massive and awesome stores, most of it comes from the ultra-indie. While some of it is easily skippable, you can't beat the fact that they are essentially giving you the opportunity to be super cool and have knowledge of a band nobody's ever heard of.

So head over to the site, check out the new catalog, see the sale items, and check out the music. And if you're wondering, I like gift cards.

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