Good shit from the internet this week, folks. A creepy new dating website, a man on a McMission, Mello Yello!, and a newish tumblr that's guaranteed to give you something to post up as your desktop wallpaper.
First up, Time NewsFeed brings us word of a new dating site set to come out this month that's sure to appeal to the Narcissist in all of us - or, maybe not. It appears is a new dating website that actually uses "facial-recognition technology that zeros in on nine points on the face to find similarities." So what's so weird about that? Well, this isn't something where you just go in and select a bunch of good looking individuals and they come up with some super human ala "Weird Science."
Nope. The research is done on YOUR face and then tries to find people that look EXACTLY like you. Yeah. Not sure I'd like to date a chick that looked like me...just sayin'.
Most of the people reading this blog (all 5 of you, including my Mom) know that I'm training for a pretty epic race at the end of the month. Between the workouts, the rest, and the nutrition, it's shaping up to be the most physically demanding thing I've ever done.
It would be even more ridiculous if I tried to do it by eating only McDonald's food, right? Well, apparently, there is a guy from Chicago who is doing just that in preparation for the LA Marathon. The guy IS running 100 miles a week though, so please, don't try, ever.
I do have quite the soft spot in my heart (read: tummy) for the McDonald's Breakfast - specifically the Sausage McMuffin w/Egg, however. So I'll let that one slide.
Speaking of things that are awful for you...MELLO YELLO is back! That's right. Coca-Cola's attempt to rival Pepsi's Mountain Dew is back in California after what must have been a good 15-20 year hiatus. During my Sunday workout I was stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed what had to be a 5 hour workout induced hallucination:
Anyway, the soda became too awesome for California years ago and languished in Florida and most of the Midwest for a couple decades. Either way, it's back and though I don't have more than a soda every couple of months...well, let's just say I had to celebrate the Yello coming out of retirement.
Finally, I was hipped to this tumblr over at GQ Recommends. The name says it all I like awesome looking shit, and I think you just might too. Being mildly obsessed with architecture and landscapes might also help you to enjoy wasting time scrolling through the pages of the site. Here are a few of my favorites thus far:

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